Le Pôle Soutien à l’enseignement, UNIGE s'est saisie au sujet l'IA générative pour apporter son appui tant aux enseignant·es qu'aux étudiant·es pour apprivoiser l'IA dans l'enseignement. Article: https://www.unige.ch/lejournal/vie-unige/printemps-2023/ia-unige Guide IA génératives…
Last chance – Webinar Registration – December 3, 2019 11h-12h
Did you forget to sign up for the upcoming webinar with Karin Brown? There's still a few more days to register via this link: https://rachelplews.typeform.com/to/cN6tz5 We look forward to connecting…
Perusall Webinar with Ariane Dumont – May 6, 2019 11h-12h
Join us for this interactive online session with our SFDN President Ariane Dumont on using Perusall for online reading and writing collaboration. Ariane will showcase how she uses Perusall with…