Founded in 2000, SFDN is a professional association of faculty developers interested in building up the teaching and learning capacity in higher education institutions in Switzerland.The network comprises the public institutions of higher education of Switzerland (universities, institutes of technology, applied universities, universities of teacher education).
- Organising and holding conferences, meetings, seminars and discussions
- in order to promote and enhance faculty development and teaching and learning acitivities
- Promoting initial and continuous professional development for faculty developers
- Sustaining and improving the quality of faculty development initiatives for faculty members
- Obtaining recognition of faculty professional development
- Initiating, facilitating and co-ordinating national, international and research co-operation in the field
- Mobilising more resources for didactic training of faculty
- Increasing visibility and public awareness on didactic and faculy development issues on a national level
Main activities
- Forums for discussion on quality improvement and exchange of information on practices
- Workshops and conferences for faculty developers and/or faculty members for their continuous education
- Recognition or quality assurance of training programmes and existing activities
- Establishing and maintaining close contacts with national bodies involved in policy decisions in the field of university teaching and learning and with national and international institutions with a research agenda in the field