Dear SFDN members, Recruitment for Director/Associate Director of Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) at ShanghaiTech University,China. Please see an advertisement for a role at ShanghaiTech University in China.…
Upcoming Event on June 1st – Klassiker der Hochschuldidaktik
Please click on the flyer below to read about an upcoming symposium. Please note that the event will be held in German. Klassiker der Hochschuldidaktik_Einladung_Arbeitstreffen_2018_06_01
Updated Agenda for the HEP Vaud Site Visit This Friday March 16th
SFDN Site Visit at HEP Vaud
ICED Conference in Atlanta: reminders
Dear Colleagues, please find below a message about ICED Conference in Atlanta The Monday, March 12, 2018 call for proposals deadline is quickly approaching! We are accepting 20-minute paper presentations, posters,…
New Publication from SFDN members
Dear SFDN Members, Faculty developpers from EPFL have contributed a chapter on faculty development to a book below published at Routledge on teaching excellence. Best, SFDN board More information here
Stellenausschreibung: Kursleiter/in / Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in in der hochschuldidaktischen Weiterbildung UZH
Beschäftigungsgrad: 70-90% Stellenantritt: 1. Juni 2018 oder nach Vereinbarung Abteilung: Fachstelle für Weiterbildung Abteilungsbeschreibung Die Universität Zürich gehört zu den besten Forschungsuniversitäten Europas und bietet das grösste Angebot an…
IJAD Writing Retreat during ICED Conference in Atlanta
Dear SFDN members, For those who have planned to attend ICED COnference in Atlanta, ICED members of the International Journal for Academic Development (IJAD) editorial team have announced they are…