Digital technologies transform writing and reading fundamentally and lead to new forms of literacy, media use, writing habits and competence profiles. Keeping pace with these developments is a challenge…
Call ZFHE Flexibles Lernen
Flexibles Lernen an Hochschulen gestalten? Call veröffentlicht! Die ZHAW organisiert am 15. November 2019 ein Higher & Professional Education Forum zum Thema und verantwortet einen Sonderband der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung.…
Reminder – Registration deadline for the SFDN Conference 2019
Dear Colleagues, A reminder that the registration for our annual conference is open until the end of this week. Don't forget to register through the online platform. We look forward…
Educational Developers Caucus online Conference
Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) Conference 2019 Positive Resilience and the Future of ED(C) February 19th to 22nd 2019. SFDN colleagues are invited to join virtually at the EDC fully online…
Registration for SFDN 2019 is now open!
Dear SFDN Member,F Registration for SFDN 2019 Conference at ETHZ, February 22nd is now open, please follow the link : We welcome you to our annual conference and look forward to your participation. The SFDN Board
Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Honenheim – call for proposals
SpeakersDownload Flyer focus_URE_onlineDownload From June 5 - 7, 2019, the University of Honenheim will host a conference with the following theme - Underpinnings, Requirements, Effects of Undergraduate Research. Please see…
SoTL conference-workshop Announcement
Please find attached a program and details for a SoTL workshop to be held at EHL in Lausanne, February 7-8, 2019. For more details, please contact Dr. Laura Zizka at…
Call: Prüfungstagung Prüfen hoch 3, Mai 2019 in Hamburg
Please see the attached call for proposals from Professor Peter Tremp at the University of Education Zurich. call-tagung-pruefenhoch3
SFDN Conference
Dear SFDN members, The 2019 Conference page is now active on the website. The keynote speaker will be announced soon! As you know, the 2020 ICED global conference – the…
SFDN 2019 conference – call for papers
How research on learning contributes to university teaching practice Friday 22 February 2019, ETH Zurich Call for Papers Educational development at universities focuses primarily on the professional development of university educators.…