Have you ever been working on your own, developing a tool or template for your work and thought to yourself, “Maybe this thing already exists?" Good news! SFDN is planning…
Special Interest Groups Launch
New academic year, time to put in place some initiatives around topics that arose last year! We invite all our community to learn about the new and existing SIGs, and…
QPES2025 : Colloque “Questions de Pédagogies dans l’Enseignement Supérieur”
19-23 mai 2025 Brest (France) Écosystèmes de formation : pour quelles transformations ? L’enseignement supérieur est au cœur de transformations sociales et sociétales, qui s’amplifient ces dernières années et auxquelles il se…
PHZH: Higher Education Development, Teaching and Learning
The research area Higher Education Development, Teaching and Learning aims at exploring teaching and learning within tertiary institutions focusing on the analysis of phenomena and processes occurring at different institutional…
Course quality evaluation process
One of the tasks that many of us do in our daily job is the coordination and organisation of surveys to collect the student satisfaction on the courses. This (among…
Coordinator for Experiential Learning Curriculum
50%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term The Department of Materials (D-MATL) at ETH Zurich is looking for a Coordinator for Experiential Learning Curriculum to join the team for the development, coordination and teaching…
Research Hackathon: Investigating the Role of AI in Higher Education
When / Wann: September 11, 2024, 08:30 - 17:00 Where / Wo: TBA Language / Sprache: English Participation fee / Teilnahmekosten: free of charge Registration / Anmeldung: Link Applicaiton deadline / Anmeldefrist: August…
Excellence through diversity: Enhancing Learning through inclusive practices
“Diversity makes a key contribution to excellence in Swiss research and teaching. Taking into account and promoting equal opportunities and diversity in all their dimensions is therefore a cross-cutting issue…
ICED conference and SFDN General Assembly
For those of you who are not planning to go to Kenya but would like to follow the ICED24 conference and have fruitful discussions with colleagues, we will host a…
Stark durch Kooperation: Gemeinsam Forschen(d) lernen als Weg zur evidenzinformierten Lehrpraxis
English below - - - Die Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik lädt Dozierende, Praxislehrpersonen und Forschende zu ihrer Tagung Hochschuldidaktik am 17. Juni 2024 ein. Gewinnen Sie Einblicke in die Stärkung zukünftiger Lehrpersonen…
Tagung «Hochschule Digital 2024»
Date & Time : Friday, August 30, 2024, approx. 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Location: Lucerne University of Teacher Education, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6003 Lucerne Registration (bear in mind that the…
Maître d’enseignement HES – conseiller pédagogique et numérique
La Haute école de travail social (HETS) délivre une formation professionnalisante de niveau tertiaire axée sur la pratique pour les travailleur-euse-s sociaux de demain : éducateurs-trices, assistant-e-s sociaux, animateurs-trices socioculturels,…