Join us for this interactive online session with our SFDN President Ariane Dumont on using Perusall for online reading and writing collaboration. Ariane will showcase how she uses Perusall with…
Next SFDN GA in Fribourg – May 10, 2019
2019 General Assembly Agenda Haute école de gestion Fribourg, chemin des Musées 4, Room 311 Friday, May 10, 2019, 9h30 – 15h00 9h30 Welcome and coffee 10h00 Approaching Individual Consultation…
Conference on writing analytics at zhaw in 198 days Digital technologies transform writing and reading fundamentally and lead to new forms of literacy, media use, writing habits and competence profiles. Keeping pace with these developments is a challenge…
Stellenangebot UZH: Kursleiter/in / Wissenschaftliche/r Projektmitarbeiter/in mit Schwerpunkt Digitalisierung in der Lehre (50-70%)
Abteilungsbeschreibung Die Universität Zürich gehört zu den führenden Forschungsuniversitäten Europas und ist mit über 25'000 Studierenden die grösste Universität der Schweiz mit dem breitesten Angebot an Studienfächern. Um den über 4800…
Job offer: Head of educational development unit at University of St.Gallen
The Prorectorate Teaching and Learning and the Institute of Business Education and Educational Management at University of St.Gallen (IWP-SHSBB) have opened a job offer for a Postdoc-level position in the…
Call ZFHE Flexibles Lernen
Flexibles Lernen an Hochschulen gestalten? Call veröffentlicht! Die ZHAW organisiert am 15. November 2019 ein Higher & Professional Education Forum zum Thema und verantwortet einen Sonderband der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung.…
Job Posting – Instructor / Scientific Project Co-worker focusing on digitization in teaching
Click on the button below to access the post in Swiss German. 190201_Stellenausschreibung_ProjektMA_HD-WBDownload Beschäftigungsgrad: 50-70% Stellenantritt: 1. Mai 2018 oder nach Vereinbarung Abteilung: Weiterbildung Department Description Die Universität Zürich gehört…
Reminder – Registration deadline for the SFDN Conference 2019
Dear Colleagues, A reminder that the registration for our annual conference is open until the end of this week. Don't forget to register through the online platform. We look forward…
Teaching Assistant Training MOOC open on edX Foundations of Teaching Science and Engineering, the EPFL teacher training MOOC for Teaching and Doctoral Assistants in Science and Engineering courses, is now open on edX:
Job Opportunities @ EPFL
Two job openings in the Teaching Support Centre/ Centre d'appui à l'enseignement are currently advertised. The positions are: To support and evaluate technology supported learning projects (70%) To manage evaluations…
Prof. Dr. Manu Kapur – Keynote Speaker for the SFDN Conference, February 22, 2019
Prof. Dr. Kapur will deliver this year's keynote "From the Science of Learning to the Design of Learning." Read more here and don't forget to register!