SFDN Conference

SFDN Conference

Dear SFDN members,

The 2019 Conference page is now active on the website. The keynote speaker will be announced soon!

As you know, the 2020 ICED global conference – the leading international conference for sharing research and good practice in faculty development – will be hosted in Switzerland at ETH Zurich.  The success of this event will depend, in part, on maximising Swiss participation at the ICED conference.  The SFDN annual conferences are an excellent preparation ground for participating in an event like the ICED global conference – therefore we would ask every SFDN member to consider submitting a proposal for the SFDN conference, perhaps as part of a process of building towards a submission for the ICED conference in 2020.

We would also encourage you to share the call for papers with others in your institutions who are engaged in innovative teaching or in developing innovative programmes.

The best ICED conferences not only attract faulty developers but also bring together teachers and administrators who are involved in teaching and curriculum innovation.  We would therefore ask all SFDN members to help broaden our community by sharing the call for papers with people who are interested in teaching and learning innovation, even if they have not previously attended an SFDN or ICED event.

For all the above-mentioned reasons, we would like to ask you to strongly consider submitting a paper for the SFDN 2019 Conference and we thank you in advance for being active and loyal SFDN members!

Stay tuned for a very exciting keynote speaker announcement for the upcoming SFDN Conference!

The SFDN Board


Ariane Dumont has developped the Center for Teaching and Learning at Yverdon Western University of Applied Sciences, she is the Academic Director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education at the western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences HES-SO. She is serving as President of SFDN since 2017. She is a Council Member at ICED International COnsortium for Educational Development, as the representative of switzerland.

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