Dear Members, As part of the ongoing initiative to grow our SFDN digital presence and to expand opportunities for members to connect and share practice, we would like to grow…
EPFL is looking for a Learning Research Specialist
The Centre for Learning Sciences in EPFL is looking for a "Specialist for Evaluation of Learning Innovation (80-100%)". The person will work with EPFL lecturers and professors to help them…
Two innovative new academic posts at the University of Sydney in Educational Development
The University of Sydney Business School is a globally impactful Business School with over 14000 students at our state of the art campus in the centre of Sydney and is…
Call for book chapter proposals – Re-Imagining doctoral writing
Call for book chapter proposals - Re-Imagining doctoral writingProposal submissions due July 31, 2019. Please find the following call for chapter proposals for a new edited collection titled "Re-Imagining doctoral…
Job posting – Specialist Digital Teaching & Learning Technologies at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
For additional information and to apply for the position, please visit this site.
Reminder – AIPU morning event on May 16th
A quick reminder about this upcoming event in Lausanne. C’est à Lausanne, à l’Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source qu’aura lieu le 16 mai 2019 notre première rencontre qui…