Series 2017/2018 – The board is pleased to launch a new way for members to connect and exchange practices with one-hour webinars that explore topics of interest to the SFDN…
IJAD updates
The International Journal of Academic Development is pleased to announce the results for the 2016 International Journal for Academic Development Article of the Year. A panel of international judges chose…
SIG- University Teacher Education is running on its third year. Please enrol!
SIG- University Teacher Education is running on its third year! Outcomes of our reflections and work have been presented internationally at the ICED and the SFDN conference. We are now…
REMINDER! SFDN 1st Webinar October 10 from 11h to 12h
Series 2017/2018 – The board is pleased to launch a new way for members to connect and exchange practices with one-hour webinars that explore topics of interest to the SFDN…
ETHZ Site visit: 16th November 2017
Please save the date, the site visit @ ETH Zurich will take place on 16th November from 10 am to 4 pm! Programme will follow!
Assessment Round on Digitalisation – Please submit
Dear friends, maybe you are not aware of the actual assessment round on digitalisation: The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) will accept suggestions for National Research…
Programme: new date for the SFDN COnference in Luzern 2nd February 2018
October 10th 2017 - 11am-12am : Webinar GoAnimate: brief introduction to using animated videos in the classroom (from both faculty and student perspectives) November (date to be confirmed very soon) :…
Reminder: ICED 2018 Preconference workshop proposals due September 1
12th Biennial Conference June 5-8, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Reminder: Preconference workshop proposals due September 1 The ICED conference team is hard at work to create the best conference…
ICED ATLANTA: Preconference workshop proposals due September 1
12th Biennial Conference June 5-8, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Reminder: Preconference workshop proposals due September 1 The ICED conference team is hard at work to create the best conference…
Conference Announcement -February 25-27, 2018, Ariel University, Israel.
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers: A Virtual Higher Education Campus in a Global World? The Role of the Academic Campus in an Era of Technological Progress February 25-27, 2018,…
Leiter/in Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik, Universität Zürich
Leiter/in Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik, Universität Zürich Abteilungsbeschreibung Die Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik (HD) unterstützt die Universitätsleitung, die Studiendekanate und die Studienprogrammverantwortlichen sowohl strategisch als auch operativ in der universitären Lehrentwicklung. Aktuell stehen die…
SFDN Programme 2017-18 Save the Dates
As promised during the GA, here is the SFDN programme starting next fall Details will follow in due course. Please save the dates! October 10th 2017 - 11am-12am : Webinar…