Education Researcher & Project Coordinator (EuroTeQ)

Education Researcher & Project Coordinator (EuroTeQ)

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Your mission :

EPFL is constantly evolving with regards to education. In an ambition to be part of a networked action of technical universities in Europe, designing the future of engineering education together, EPFL joined the EuroTeQ project in 2023 ( EuroTeQ works towards a joint open EuroTeQ Campus promoting “future-proof” study programmes and lifelong learning that help learners to contribute to the changing needs and challenges of society.

The EuroTeQ project includes the creation and sharing of open courses, the coordination of the participation of our students in challenge-based learning opportunities, the development of a common lifelong learning approach, and the creation of an engineering education clearing house on the EuroTeQ signature pedagogies. In the context of this project, we are looking for an educational researcher for two missions: 1. to lead the engineering education clearing house and 2. to coordinate the overall project. For 1., the successful candidate will develop the clearing house (a publicly searchable database of curated research), elaborate specifically designed research digests on pedagogies promoted in EuroTeQ (e.g. challenge-based learning, digitisation, education of European values), accompany the use of these resources as practice guides by teachers at the EuroTeQ partners, develop a community for the quality control / curation of research to be included in the clearing house and connect widely with engineering education stakeholders in Europe. For 2., the main goal is to assure the overall coordination across internal project contributors at EPFL and towards the Swiss funding body, as well as the interface with the EuroTeQ coordination office at Technical University of Munich. The position will be part of a cross-unit diverse team allowing for rich collaboration and benefitting on colleagues’ expertise (e.g. pedagogical advisors, online education experts, web developers etc).

Iris Capdevila

General secretary of SFDN | Pedagogical advisor at the Teaching Support Center (CAPE), EPFL.

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