Conference on writing analytics at zhaw in 198 days

Conference on writing analytics at zhaw in 198 days Digital technologies transform writing and reading fundamentally and lead to new forms of literacy, media use, writing habits and competence profiles. Keeping pace with these developments is a challenge for not only writers in academic settings but also writing teachers. There are simply too many innovations and too little guidance to help select what might be useful for writing classes or seminars. Similarly, for writing researchers, is it a great challenge to react to new research needs and provide adequate methodologies and research strategies. New research settings, media, data collection opportunities and analytic methods have to be created and applied, which, in turn, lead to new research perspectives, discourse communities and exchange forums. In light of these challenges, this conference aims to bring together various disciplines, covering composition and writing research, corpus and computer linguistics, media studies, psychology and educational technology, to provide a setting where knowledge, research results and methodological concepts can be exchanged.


Ariane Dumont has developped the Center for Teaching and Learning at Yverdon Western University of Applied Sciences, she is the Academic Director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education at the western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences HES-SO. She is serving as President of SFDN since 2017. She is a Council Member at ICED International COnsortium for Educational Development, as the representative of switzerland.

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