October 10th 2017 - 11am-12am : Webinar GoAnimate: brief introduction to using animated videos in the classroom (from both faculty and student perspectives) November (date to be confirmed very soon) :…
Reminder: ICED 2018 Preconference workshop proposals due September 1
12th Biennial Conference June 5-8, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA iced2018.com Reminder: Preconference workshop proposals due September 1 The ICED conference team is hard at work to create the best conference…
ICED ATLANTA: Preconference workshop proposals due September 1
12th Biennial Conference June 5-8, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, USA iced2018.com Reminder: Preconference workshop proposals due September 1 The ICED conference team is hard at work to create the best conference…
Conference Announcement -February 25-27, 2018, Ariel University, Israel.
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers: A Virtual Higher Education Campus in a Global World? The Role of the Academic Campus in an Era of Technological Progress February 25-27, 2018,…
Leiter/in Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik, Universität Zürich
Leiter/in Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik, Universität Zürich Abteilungsbeschreibung Die Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik (HD) unterstützt die Universitätsleitung, die Studiendekanate und die Studienprogrammverantwortlichen sowohl strategisch als auch operativ in der universitären Lehrentwicklung. Aktuell stehen die…