Survey on educational/academic developers’ perceptions of integrity

Survey on educational/academic developers’ perceptions of integrity

Dear educational/academic development colleagues,

“Integrity” appears in the educational/academic development literature as an element of effective practice, yet often without further explanation.

For a new study, we invite you to share your own perspectives on “integrity” as an educational/academic developer using a short, anonymous survey that will take approximately 8 minutes to complete.

If you are willing to participate in this study, please click on the following link to complete the online consent form and access the survey:

The survey remains open until Friday, December 3, 2021.

Seattle University’s Institutional (ethics) Review Board has determined the study to be exempt from review in accordance with US federal regulation criteria. Full information is provided in the online consent form.

Thank you for giving this your consideration.

Best regards,

David A Green, PhD | Seattle University, WA, USA
Deandra Little, PhD | Elon University, NC, USA


Ariane Dumont has developped the Center for Teaching and Learning at Yverdon Western University of Applied Sciences, she is the Academic Director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education at the western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences HES-SO. She is serving as President of SFDN since 2017. She is a Council Member at ICED International COnsortium for Educational Development, as the representative of switzerland.

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