JApplications are invited for Lecturer/associate professor in the multidisciplinary topic of Educational Developmentwithin the Educational Development Unit, one of the key academic units in the Institute of Leadership and Education…
Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Honenheim – call for proposals
SpeakersDownload Flyer focus_URE_onlineDownload From June 5 - 7, 2019, the University of Honenheim will host a conference with the following theme - Underpinnings, Requirements, Effects of Undergraduate Research. Please see…
SoTL conference-workshop Announcement
Please find attached a program and details for a SoTL workshop to be held at EHL in Lausanne, February 7-8, 2019. For more details, please contact Dr. Laura Zizka at…
Call: Prüfungstagung Prüfen hoch 3, Mai 2019 in Hamburg
Please see the attached call for proposals from Professor Peter Tremp at the University of Education Zurich. call-tagung-pruefenhoch3
SFDN Conference
Dear SFDN members, The 2019 Conference page is now active on the website. The keynote speaker will be announced soon! As you know, the 2020 ICED global conference – the…
Site Visit – Glion Institute of Higher Education – postponed to the spring! New date – April 12, 2019
Please mark your calendars for a new date for the next site visit. The visit to Glion in Montreaux will now be held on April 12, 2019. More details to…
SFDN 2019 conference – call for papers
How research on learning contributes to university teaching practice Friday 22 February 2019, ETH Zurich Call for Papers Educational development at universities focuses primarily on the professional development of university educators.…
SFDN Conference 22nd February 2019: call for papers
Dear SFDN memebrs, Please save the date for the 3rd SFDN Conference which will take place at ETH Zurich on 22nd February 2019: “How research on learning contributes to university…
Job Posting: Faculty Developer (60%)
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland has an open position for a Faculty Developer. Please click on this link to see more information about the post.
Job Posting: Professorship for University Didactics at the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH)
The Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH) has an open position for a professorship in the Department of University Didactics and Adult Education. Please click on this link to see…
Call for Proposals: Canadian Educational Developers Caucus Online Conference
Call for Proposals Canadian Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) Conference: Positive Resilience and the Future of ED(C) February 19-22, 2019 Dear SFDN member, More information about the EDC 2019 Conference theme,…
Open Learning Days on OER
Dear SFDN member, Please find below the link to the Open Learning Days on the topic of Open Educational Resources in Lucerne 29th and 30th of January 2019 https://openlearningdays.ch/en/ With…