2nd SFDN Webinar : please enrol

2nd SFDN Webinar : please enrol

Series 2018 – The board is pleased to launch a new way for members to connect and exchange practices with one-hour webinars that explore topics of interest to the SFDN community.  Please join us for this second online session and if you are interested in hosting a session, please also let us know.  We look forward to your participation and feedback.

There is a wealth of evidence that peer learning and teaching is extremely effective for a wide range of goals. Moreover, skill in working cooperatively is essential for most vocations.

Peer instruction as a learning system involves students preparing to learn outside of class by doing pre-class readings. Then, in class, the instructor engages students by posing prepared conceptual questions or ConcepTests that are based on student difficulties.

Instructors can also take advantage of technology to communicate with students, by using student response websites  which enable a large number of students to send their individual responses to an instructor’s computer. The instructor is then quickly able to assess student’s prior knowledge of a subject or check their understanding of new concepts.

The focus of the webinar will be on the following :

  1. What is Peer instruction and how it works
  2. What is a ConceptTest
  3. What is Peer Instruction workflow

  The webinar will be held on Friday, January 19, 2018 from 11h00 – 12h00.  Further details and instructions for accessing the online session will be sent after registration.  Please contact Ariane Dumont for registration  ariane.dumont@heig-vd.ch



Ariane Dumont has developped the Center for Teaching and Learning at Yverdon Western University of Applied Sciences, she is the Academic Director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education at the western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences HES-SO. She is serving as President of SFDN since 2017. She is a Council Member at ICED International COnsortium for Educational Development, as the representative of switzerland.

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