Workshop: Interactive Oral Assessments

Workshop: Interactive Oral Assessments

Many of our teaching teams have moved to oral assessments due to issues with generative AI, but we often get questions about their validity or the time they require for big cohorts. Dr Monica Ward will share her experience at Dublin City University with Interactive Oral Assessments that are more authentic, develop transversal skills, and are often considered less stressful by students.

She will share practical examples across a number of disciplines, as well as how they prepare assessors and students and how they adapt to large cohorts.

When:      Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

What:      Conference from 9:30 to 10:30 (on-campus and online)

                 Workshop from 10:50 to 12:20 (on-campus only)

                 Followed by a lunch on campus

The event will be held in English. Registration is required.

You will find all the information about the conference and workshop, as well as the link to register, here:

Iris Capdevila

General secretary of SFDN | Pedagogical advisor at the Teaching Support Center (CAPE), EPFL.

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