The SFDN Board is thrilled to invite you to a writing retreat from April 1-3, 2020 in a very special and inspiring location – the WhitePod Eco-luxury Hotel in Monthey in Valais.
Save your place now by email to our General Secretary Rachel Plews.
The SFDN Board is thrilled to invite you to a writing retreat from April 1-3, 2020 in a very special and inspiring location – the WhitePod Eco-luxury Hotel in Monthey in Valais.
Save your place now by email to our General Secretary Rachel Plews.
Ariane Dumont has developped the Center for Teaching and Learning at Yverdon Western University of Applied Sciences, she is the Academic Director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education at the western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences HES-SO. She is serving as President of SFDN since 2017. She is a Council Member at ICED International COnsortium for Educational Development, as the representative of switzerland.
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