Dear colleagues,
We are very happy to invite you to a talk and discussion with an internationally renowned expert on the Scholarship of Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Leadership at higher education institutions, Prof. Harry Hubball from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
His presentation will focus on the “Scholarship of Educational Leadership in Research-intensive University Contexts: Strategic Inquiry, Evidence-based Practice and Dissemination”. We are sure that both his theoretical as well as practical expertise with higher education institutions around the world will offer a deep and well-founded insight into the topic. The discussion will offer opportunities to share ideas and insights from your areas and institutions.
Please find further information on Harry’s person and the presentation theme attached to this message and on his website:
The presentation will take place on 3 September, 2019, at 1.30 – 4 pm. The venue will be the University of St. Gallen, Institute of Business Education and Educational Management (IPW-HSG), Dufourstrasse 40a (Central Institute Building, Building No. 24, 3rd floor), CH-9000 St. Gallen.
Please find directions and travel information here:
We would like to welcome you at St.Gallen for the exchange on these topics. If you participate, please send a short e-mail with your name and number of participants to Robert Kordts-Freudinger by 28 August, email:
We are looking forward to meeting you and sharing exciting perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Leadership!
Best wishes
Robert Kordts-Freudinger & Bernadette Dilger, University of St.Gallen
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