Interested in discipline-specific pedagogy? Me too! Join my focus group.

Interested in discipline-specific pedagogy? Me too! Join my focus group.

Hello SFDN community.

I am researching what discipline-sensitive pedagogical training offered by centralised teaching and learning units looks like. I would love to invite you to join a focus group to talk about the content and approaches you use in your own faculty development courses. 

Who am I? I am Karin Brown, an educational developer at ETH Zurich. I recently started a PhD and I am aiming to make a contribution to field of faculty development (Hochschuldidaktik) in Switzerland and more widely to the discussion general pedagogy and discipline-specific pedagogy (Fachdidaktik). 

Those of us who work in central teaching and learning units at institutions of higher education have likely encountered situations where we teach sound teaching skills, however individual course participants may still find it difficult to translate this to their own discipline or may even actively dismiss what we teach. 

It got me thinking. I suspect many of you have considered this challenge and may have implemented solutions to this conundrum.

I would like to discover more about how your courses balance the teaching of generic pedagogical skills with those that are specific to the discipline (or teaching context) of the participants. This may be through specific input you convey in your courses or teaching processes you use to consider the disciplinary context (for example with a transfer phase).  

Have I sparked your interest? I hope so!

Contact me for more information and so we can schedule a focus group. karin.brown (at)

Karin Brown

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