Isabelle Sarrade is a collagist artist, with a solid experience as a pedagogical advisor. She proposes a half day team-building workshop that can be used within a teachers’ team when launching a new program or a new orientation in an existing program.
Participants will create a blason-shaped collage that represents their shared vision of the mission, values, objectives and challenges for their team. The artwork will remain as a tangible trace of this workshop.
The use of collage is a powerful tool to enforce values – such as ethics, environmental concerns – within a group of teachers, by making visible the existing visions of a specific value. It is also helpful to clarify the perceptions of a specific issue that appears following a program evaluation.
The setting of the workshop helps to link the expected missions and values to teaching objectives, topics and assessment methods, and to make visible the potential fears and challenges teachers are facing.
It could be the first step to support a group of teachers before imagining an action plan for a program change/adaptation.

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