SFDN-Workshop with Prof. Eric Mazur @ ETH (Nov., 28th 2014)

SFDN-Workshop with Prof. Eric Mazur @ ETH (Nov., 28th 2014)

Prof. Eric Mazur: Flat space – deep learning



Based on the principles of backward course design (Wiggins & McTigh, 2005) Eric Mazur presented the redesign of his own course at Harvard. He promoted the backward course design approach that recommends to start “with the end in mind” by defining desired learning outcomes of a course at first.

The next step is about planning ways to measure the learning outcomes with “acceptable evidence”, and finally thinking about a suitable “instructional approach” that relies on the principle of students having the ownership of learning (November, 2012), and collaboration as a perfect way to develop knowledge and skills.

Therefore, he changed his course from a lecture into a course based on a team and project-based approach. Mazur mentioned that redesigning a course must be seen as a long-term process, and couldn’t be finished after one semester. He gave an inside view in the process of the planning process, and the realization of his didactic concept at Harvard.


Mazur@ETH-06 IMG_1504

Slides of the presentation:




Tool for Peer Instruction: https://learningcatalytics.com

Team Based Learning: http://tblc.roundtablelive.org

Resources  concerning Mazur’s course “AP50”: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x9d9wcaoe1l5nzh/Visitor%20Packet%20Complete.pdf?dl=0

nb (notabene) – an annotation taking tool online: http://nb.mit.edu/welcome



Grant P. Wiggins & Jay McTigh (2005). Understanding by Design. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Alan November (2012). Who owns the learning? Bloomington, Indiana: Solution Tree Press.


Mazur@ETH-04 Mazur@ETH-05






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