Dear SFDN Members,
Our 2nd Annual Mini-Conference Data, Rigor, & Faculty Development on Friday, February 2, 2018 is rapidly approaching. The conference will be held at the University of Lucerne; the two days preceding our event is the EduHub Conference on “Shaping the future of education”, so it is an ideal time to visit Lucerne to network with colleagues and invest in your own professional development.
We are delighted to announce the Keynote Speaker for the day: Professor Dilly Fung, PFHEA – Professor of Higher Education Development and Academic Director
Dilly Fung is Professor of Higher Education Development and Academic Director of UCL Arena Centre Research-based Education at UCL. A Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, she is leading a series of ambitious initiatives designed to advance research-based education at UCL, including the innovative Connected Curriculum project, which aims to bring research and education much closer together for both students and for academics. Drawing on her interdisciplinary roots in English, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Education and on her long teaching career, Dilly is interested in the circle of scholarship that connects research, learning, engagement and leadership (Fung 2016). Her forthcoming, open access monograph (Fung 2017) explores the unity of research and teaching in curriculum design, providing a spectrum of practical applications to programme design within and across the disciplines. Recent work includes an HEA-funded analysis of ways in which job families and career opportunities are changing in research-intensive institutions (Fung and Gordon 2016).
We have extended the call for proposals submission to Friday, December 8, 2017 by 22h00. Please refer to our website for more details and send your proposals to Proposals focusing on research work in progress are particularly welcome!
The conference agenda and registration site will be available shortly before the December holidays. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rachel or any of the Board Members.
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