On June 12-14th, the propedeutic center of EPFL is organising a local event with retransmission of the SEFI Mathematics Teaching in Engineering Education conference to initiate discussions with local collaborators about teaching mathematics and related topics.
The local event will be held at the EPFL premises with coffee breaks included.
Registration here: https://events.tuni.fi/sefimsig2023/registration/ (the cost is 30 euros)
In addition, please register to the local hub with this form before June 1st: https://forms.gle/DXLWg1dYgEfTvb9s6 (no extra fees).
The goals of the local hub is to promote Networking for people interested in teaching mathematics in the western part of Switzerland, while facilitating a lower-carbon opportunity to participate in a conference occuring during the exam period.
Themes of the 2023 SEFI Mathematics Teaching in Engineering Education conference
- Mathematical competencies in practice and didactical research
- Practice roles of researchers and practitioners and ideas for cooperationCase studies as good examplesSituations from practical experienceInnovation in Mathematics competencies
- Theoretical basis and assumptions for competencies development
- How to assess competencies
- Good examples
- Situations from practical experience
- New means of assessing competencies
- The goal of teaching
- “Service Mathematics – Mathematics for the non-specialist”
- In the education of future engineers: Symbolic language of their disciplines in the education of future engineers
- General toolbox for solving application problems, or modelling instrument
- Active learning strategies
- Visualization as an active learning method
- Tools to improve Mathematics’ comprehension
- Dynamic Mathematics as motivation enhancement
- Playing and learning in and with Mathematics
- Turning Mathematical concepts into dynamic images
- Live Mathematics in dynamic images (orbis pictus)
- Mathematical Engineering and Informatics
- Applied modelling and simulation
- Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- New ideas in Mathematical Engineering and Informatics
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