Many educational development initiatives emphasize a scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) approach, but what does this mean, in theory and in practice? How can the scholarship of teaching and learning help to tackle some of the key challenges higher education is currently facing, and help institutions and academics stay focused on quality student learning?
The inaugural EuroSoTL conference, a regional event of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, will take place in University College Cork in June 2015. The conference will address these general themes and is open to all Higher Education staff and students with an interest in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Keynote Speakers
- Professor Kathy Takayama, President of ISSOTL Executive Director of the Sheridan Center for Teaching & Learning and Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, USA “Authentic inquiry in STEM through collaborative e-Portfolios”
- Professor Veronica Bamber, Chair of the QAA ‘Student Transitions’ Enhancement theme and Director of the Centre for Academic Practice in Queen Margaret University, UK “Making the most of SoTL to support students in the transition from undergraduate to postgraduate taught students”
- Professor Joelle Fanghanel, Professor of Higher Education and Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development & Scholarship), University of West London, UK “Defining and supporting the scholarship of teaching and learning: a sector-wide study”
Plenary Panel: “Conceptions of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning“
Discussions based around video contributions by:
- Professor Pat Hutchings, Senior Associate and former Vice President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, USA
- Professor Mick Healey, Higher Education consultant and researcher, and Emeritus Professor, University of Gloucestershire, UK
Call for abstracts
The call for abstracts is just out and registration has recently opened. We welcome submissions of emerging, ongoing, or well-established work, and interested participants are invited to submit a 300 word abstract for a paper, poster, workshop/panel or Pecha-Kucha style presentation to The deadline for abstract submission is February 22nd 2015. Please go to for further details and to download the abstract submission form.
Questions to be addressed might include:
– How can SoTL help bridge boundaries between languages, cultures, nations, or between academia and society?
– What role does SoTL play in supporting interdisciplinary work?
– How can SoTL inform the changing roles and expectations of students and teachers in higher education?
– Is SoTL assisting the cultural shift involved in building digital literacy?
– How can SoTL inform key transitions in the student’s journey?
Early bird registration rates are available up to March 15th 2015, and there is a further discount available to ISSOTL members. Click here to register for the conference.
For further information please contact the following:
Dr Bettie Higgs [E]: [T]: 021 4904578
Dr Catherine O’Mahony [E]: [T]: 021 4904690
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