Hello SFDN community. I am researching what discipline-sensitive pedagogical training offered by centralised teaching and learning units looks like. I would love to invite you to join a focus group to talk…
Take our survey! (Go on, don’t be shy)
Hello fellow Educational Developers! Do you work with faculty-generated products such as teaching plans and materials, formal and informal written pieces such as blogs or articles, presentations or cultural/artistic products…
Another survey!
We are Dr. Katarina Mårtensson, from Lund University in Sweden and Dr. Pia Scherrer and Karin Brown, from ETH Zurich in Switzerland We are seeking information from educational developers around the world. If you are involved in such work, could you…
Open position: Director, Educational Development and Technology (100%) at ETH
Dr. Daniel Halter has been elected as the new Vice-president of Educational Development at FHNW. As a result, ETH is looking for a new Director for their Educational Development and…
Sharing a resource from New Zealand
Hi fellow SFDN members! I just wanted to share this with you. It is a website from Aotearoa New Zealand. https://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/ It is a place for educators to share resources…