English below - - - Die Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik lädt Dozierende, Praxislehrpersonen und Forschende zu ihrer Tagung Hochschuldidaktik am 17. Juni 2024 ein. Gewinnen Sie Einblicke in die Stärkung zukünftiger Lehrpersonen…
Tagung «Hochschule Digital 2024»
Date & Time : Friday, August 30, 2024, approx. 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Location: Lucerne University of Teacher Education, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6003 Lucerne Registration (bear in mind that the…
Maître d’enseignement HES – conseiller pédagogique et numérique
La Haute école de travail social (HETS) délivre une formation professionnalisante de niveau tertiaire axée sur la pratique pour les travailleur-euse-s sociaux de demain : éducateurs-trices, assistant-e-s sociaux, animateurs-trices socioculturels,…
Call for papers: ZFHE
Psychological findings for university teaching Editors: Immanuel Ulrich (Frankfurt am Main), Carla Bohndick (Hamburg), Josef Buchner (St. Gal-len), Roland Grabner (Graz), Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus (Berlin), Martina Mörth (Berlin) & Tobias Ringeisen (Berlin)…
REHES Conference: « Knowledge Production on Higher Education and Science in Switzerland : Status Quo and Current Trends »
29 - 30 August 2024, University of Zurich, Zurich The 6th REHES (Research on Higher Education and Science in Switzerland) conference offers space for the presentation of projects from different…
Job offer: Postdoc and pilot manager (part time), EPFL
Start date : July 1st, 2024 (or as per agreement) Term of employment : Fixed-term (CDD) Your mission : EPFL has just launched the Lighthouse EdTech evidence-oriented initiative to investigate…