Our SFDN President has been elected to the Board of ICED and will serve in the role of Vice President from June 2020 to June 2022. The SFDN Board is…
Call for Papers – Call der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE zustellen zum Thema „Lehrentwicklung anregen, Lehrqualität auszeichnen
Please see the Call for Papers for Call der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE zustellen zum Thema „Lehrentwicklung anregen, Lehrqualität auszeichnenZFHE_15-4_CallDownload
New website section – professional development resources
The SFDN Board is pleased to present a new section of the SFDN website. This page will be dedicated to sharing resources from our SFDN workshops and others that members…
New! HES-SO CAS in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education – first module in February 2020!
Looking for an opportunity for further developing your teaching competences or for a program to offer your faculty members? Think of the new HES-SO CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies in…
STEPs forward – Tagung Studieneingangsphase 2020 hinzuweisen. Sie findet am Montag, 22. Juni 2020 an der Universität Zürich-Zentrum statt
iebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen Im Namen des Organisationskomitees erlaube ich mir, Sie auf die Tagung STEPs forward - Tagung Studieneingangsphase 2020 hinzuweisen. Sie findet am Montag, 22. Juni 2020 an der Universität Zürich-Zentrum…
3 spots remaining for the Writing Retreat – April 1-3, 2020
If you are interested and have money in your 2019 budget, but aren't sure yet about 2020, SFDN can send you an invoice before the holidays! The SFDN Board is…
Last chance – Webinar Registration – December 3, 2019 11h-12h
Did you forget to sign up for the upcoming webinar with Karin Brown? There's still a few more days to register via this link: https://rachelplews.typeform.com/to/cN6tz5 We look forward to connecting…
ICED 2020 – 2nd Call for Proposals Now Open!
Dear SFDN Members, On 15-18 June 2020 ETH Zurich is hosting the biennial conference of the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED): ICED 2020. This conference, under the patronage of…
Webinar on E-Assessment
The Center for Teaching and Learning on Higher Education at the PH Zürich is kindly inviting you to the Webinar on E-Assessment conducted by Dominic Hassler (Digital Learning Center, PH…
Webinar -To tweet or not to tweet? Twitter’s potential for educational developers – led by Karin Brown! December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019 11h - 12h Online Webinar - To tweet or not to tweet? Twitter's potential for educational developers - led by Karin Brown!Click here to register
Job Posting – eine Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / einen Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter Hochschuldidaktik (digital Lehren und Lernen) 80% at the PH Luzern
Please see the attached PDF for a position description and application information.FE-WissMA-in-Hochschuldidaktik_digitale_Medien-80Download
Job Posting – Administrative/r Spezialist/in im Bereich Higher Education 70-100% at the Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute
Please see the attached PDF with the position description and application details.Stellenausschreibung-ET-AdmSpecialist-Oktober-2019Download